And so we have made it to the end of yet another month. For tonight I have taken a nice closeup of a glass cactus (don’t ask). I then for variety added a graduated purple filter to give it just a shot of color. Enjoy
Month: May 2007
May 30th, Fresh Lime
Since its now summer, the traditional fresh lime squeeze is now the drink of the hour. For those of you who don’t know a lime squeeze, is fresh limes squeezed over ice, then a lemon-lime soda is added over that. Mmmmm I enjoying mine now. :P
May 29th, The Big Bopper is Curious
This is our cat Bopper, he is curious AND he is a cat, translation he is royally screwed if we can believe the stories. On the plus side they have nine lives too.
May 28th, Ceramic Ball
This was a lovely gift my wife recieved a few years back. We have a grand total of six ceramic balls. Of course before you scoff, how many ceramic balls do you have???
May 27th, Jurassic Park
Just when you think its safe to go into your backyard, BAM a rogue dino comes out of the tall grass and eats your Labrador… Guess I should mow the lawn more???
Seriously though we decided to go on a nice road trip to Vernal, a Utah dino hotspot, where this lovely specimen was content to sit and pose for me all day long, kind of easy when they statues. :P
May 26th, The Color Purple
Beauty at its finest, its purple, simple, and yet slightly complex. What more could you ask for???
May 25th, Evergreen Bush
This is a closeup of the evergreen bush outside our home. Mmmm prickly
May 24th, The Remains of my Burger!!!
Mmmm nothing quite like a quick fast food burger to keep you moving and shaking.
May 23rd, The Colors of My Mind
Once again I have been doing some more smoke photographs. This is actually a composite of one image, first it was changed to the red and blue, then the red was flipped once, then the red and blue portions were flipped again. To me it looks like some kind of weird face. 😛
May 22nd, A Sunny Afternoon at the Park
While walking our dog through the park, I decided to take a few photograph’s of the mountains and some interesting clouds.
May 21st, Compact Flash Card
This is one of my many CF cards. Its amazing how such a tiny little object can hold so much photo goodness.
May 20th, Green Dragon
Oh No its Godzilla!!!! Actually its a lego-esque dragon of my son’s.
May 19th, A Very Bad Hat
I’m sorry I’m a bit of an oddball, but even to me this is one fugly hat. I can’t wait for it to be worn, cause its just so ugly its cute, I have saved you the honor of seeing the whole hat, but even the pattern should give an indication on just how um “interesting” a hat this really is. 😛
May 18th, Yellow Rose
This is another present my wife received for Teacher Appreciation week. This is a miniature rose, course you wouldn’t know it based on this picture. 😛
May 17th, Bionicle
I really seem to like toys! 😛 At least my kids do, and thats the story I’m sticking with.