Well my friends for the last day of the month, I present a comb. A wood comb…
Month: September 2007
September 29th, One Messed Up Chicken Sandwich
Ok not to be a pest and I aint going to reveal what idiot made this sammy. However when I order a standard chicken sandwich I just want lettuce, mayo and some chicken, not overly fond of cheese and bacon.
September 28th, Hissing Snake
Oh NO a hissing snake…..
September 27th, Air Duster
My computer is free of dust and smells nice.
September 26th, Green Doggie Biscuit
You know sometimes the macro world is an interesting thing. However I don’t know about you but I would swear I see some wood pulp in the macro of my dog’s biscuit. Now I know its all fiber but that seems a bit sick to me 😛
September 25th, Cancer Stick
Its addicting and can cause cancer, on the plus side it IS white though.
September 24th, Ben 10 Toy
Not exactly sure who or what this is. All I know is it has a really cool see through head. 😛
September 23rd, Purple People Eater
It was a one eyed one horned flying purple people eater!!!
September 22nd, Nightwing
Holy confused super-hero’s Batman!!! Its Nightwing…
September 21st, September 21st
Now why would I take a picture of a calendar on today of all days? Simple really its my Birthday, so I will cry if I want to… Or not who knows with me 😀
September 20th, Boxing Kangaroo
This week has pretty much been devoted to toys. This bad boy is one mean mechanical punching kangaroo.
September 19th, Mega Block Man
You know the title pretty much says it all. 😛
September 18, Darth Vader (Cuter Version)
Now you have to give a toy maker credit, when they even have a removable mask, so you can see just how cute a scarred bald headed man can be. 😛
September 17th, Darth Vader (Happy Version)
Ole Darth never looked so cute… Well perhaps tomorrow, we shall see.
September 16th, Me and My Shadow
Simple, its my shadow in lovely evening light.