You know I love toys, and you know or should know I love comic books. Now what would be a cool toy AND comic book to take pictures of this week? I have it, how about a toy, comic book, movie that opens this week! This weeks theme is of course… “IRON-MAN“!!!
Month: April 2008
April 22nd, Spring Flowers (Earth Day)
Well as you probably are already aware its Earth Day 2008, and I figure what is a better way to celebrate it then by taking some pictures of the flowers that grow in the yard. I didn’t actually HUG these flowers, but I assure you know flowers were harmed in the making of this blog.
April 22nd, Happy Earth Day!!!
Well kiddies today we should all go and hug a tree… Right now I’ll wait 🙂 Seriously though Give a Hoot, Don’t Pollute and all that jazz.
April 21st- April 27th Theme!!!
Well kiddies you all know I’m a sucker for a fun and entertaining day or holiday, and Tuesday just happens to be Earth Day, so what the heck lets just do this weeks theme as… “Earth Day”!!! Exciting isn’t it?
April 20th, Kitsch Mug from Family (P)
There are some funny things running about our house, and this mug of dubious taste is one of them. 🙂
April 14th – April 20th Theme!!!
Hmm I think this week our theme shall be brought to us by the letter “P”
April 12th, A Difference in Scale (Scale)
You know most of you will probably get the feeling that I’m a bit obsessed with trains, and you would most likely be a bit correct 🙂 This should show the wildly different scales you can get, when you are getting into model trains, its amazing how much detail and work they put into something so small, or big.
April 12th, World of the Wild 2008 Art Show at Hogle Zoo
Well my friends once again your faithful fiend is a weiner, er winner 🙂 I placed this shot “Closer” into the 2008 World of the Wild Art Show at Hogle Zoo, and Utrech Art Supplies was kind enough to select it as one of their winners. Also the photograph was selected to go on tour for the year after the show, AND it was sold. All in all a very good showing for one of my photographs. I would like to thank Hogle Zoo, Utrech AND the buyer, you are all awesome!!
Unfortunately the show has ended at the Zoo, as I said I get lazy, so here it is for you to look at. Thanks all
April 9th, Head On! (Scale)
No photographer’s or cameras were harmed in the filming of this scale model train accident waiting to happen. However I do believe that a small chicken may have lost her egg…long story. 🙂
April 8th, Santa Fe 8351 Lionel Electric Train (Scale)
See hopefully you are getting a clue on what I meant by “Scale”, or at least the meaning I playing with today 🙂 This little blast from the past is one of the lionel electric train engines that we had as a kid, at one time the very studio I’m in typing this was filled with Model Train goodness. Its just amazing to me how we remember things, and how things you thought were gone, might just be hiding in a closet.
April 7th – April 13th Theme!!!
Well friends we need to do yet another theme, but what theme shall it be? Chicken salad perhaps, or perhaps dill pickles. Nah not yet anyway, this weeks theme shall be…. “SCALE”
April 6th, Chance at the Zoo (Autism)
Well on the last day of the Autism week, we all went to the Zoo, and so I got a few shots of my son. Aint he just precious? boogers and all.
April is Autism Awareness month!!!
Just a quick note, April is Autism Awareness month, so find a Autistic person and give them a hug!!!
April 2nd, The Puzzle Piece (Autism)
Well Kiddies Happy World Autism Day!!! This would be the “official” symbol of Autism, at least to some, for me I personally think the symbol should be the Question Mark, but I’m probably in the minority. Please take some time today to realize that Autism is a major epidemic effecting 1 in 150 children born today, there is no accepted cause, cure, or reasoning to this, but one day hopefully there will be breakthroughs in this crippling disorder. Till then remember patience, understanding, and taking the time to walk a mile in someones shoes goes a long way before you judge that child who seems to be acting out and you don’t understand it. Well back off my soapbox, but I have alot more I can and probably will say at a later date.