This is my Son and his friend at his 6th Grade Graduation today. Did I mention I feel old???
Month: May 2008
May 28th, My Daughters First Dance (Memories)
One of the shots of my Daughters first dance. Sometimes you just feel old.
May 26th, Happy Memorial Day!!!
To those who have lost, and those who loved them, have a good Memorial Day, and always remember!!!
May 26th – June 1st Theme!!!
Well another month is almost up, and it just happens to be the week of Memorial Day. So I’m thinking what would be a better theme than… Memories
May 25th, Soda (Indiana Jones)
If you can’t figure it out I aint gonna tell you!!!
May 19 – May 25th Theme!!!
Well there is alot of themes I could go with this week, but I figure we go with one thats going to be entertaining. So without further fidgiting, this weeks theme is…. INDIANA JONES!!!
May 18th, Pictures of Mothers (Mother’s)
First off here is a photograph of my Grandmother, I still miss her.
And here is one I call Mother in Repose. That or caught my wife napping, mwaa haa ha!!!
I mean come on being a Mom can tire one out 🙂
May 12 – May 18th Theme!!!
Well I kinda got Iron Man out of my system, it was nice having a week that gave me enough time to play. But what to do this week? I was thinking that since Mothers day was yesterday, we should do something in that regard, so my friends this weeks theme is… Mother’s!!!
May 11th, The Infamous Iron Man Slurpee Cup (Iron Man Part Deux)
On this the last day of Official Iron Man photography week I present, the so called “uber” rare Iron Man Head Slurpee cup, thats right for 2.99 plus tax you could take a nice ice cold sip out of Iron Man’s brain! Why is this piece of plastic infamous? Well lets see how about ten 7-11’s in our search for it? course now I have it and its mine, ALL MINE!!!!! Mwaa haa ha. ( seriously though its a cool bit o swag for the Iron Man movie fan).
May 11th, Happy Mothers Day!!!
To all of the Moms out there who gave us life, happiness, AND didn’t kill us in our sleep… We Salute You!!! :)
May 9th, More Iron Men (Iron Man Part Deux)
Well I’ve been working on some photographs, this time using some special effects. Hope you like em 🙂
Old School Iron man
Newer Comic Book Iron Man.
May 5th – May 11th Theme!!!
You know there comes a time when you just have too many ideas and not enough time to get it done, so I have decided to do a two fer. This weeks theme is… IRON MAN PART DEUX Mwaa haa ha, that or we could just call it Iron Man MK 2.
May 4th, Iron Men (Iron Man)
This bad boy I call Big Head Iron Man 🙂
Here we have the lovely movie Iron Man
And finally we have Cute Tony Stark and the original Iron Man armor. (aint he precious?)
May 3rd, Walk Now for Austim Utah
Well today we Walked for Autism, and I tell you it was fun. To all the people who donated to our team you have my Thanks. Those of you who didn’t and you know who you are thanks for um, yea 🙂
Here are a few pictures from the event, including our team logo and team picture.