Well we have come to the magic number… “Thirty”
Month: July 2009
July 26th, Ghost Writing (Twenty-Nine)
See what you can do with an Ipod Touch and a bit of boredom???
July 20th – July 26th Theme!!!
And now for our next trick… “Twenty-Nine”
July 19th, Green Green Grass (Twenty-Eight)
Well this lovely bit of greenery was taken with a lens set to….. Twenty-Eight millimeters 🙂 Pretty sneaky huh?
July 13th – July 19th Theme!!!
Its time for lucky week number… “Twenty-Eight”
July 12th, Twenty-Seven Minutes Into The Cleaner…(Twenty-Seven)
Second season goodness. Thats some nice definition!
July 6th – July 12th Theme!!!
Sorry all, once again the blog is having some technical issues. Hopefully its FINALLY fixed this time…
This weeks theme is… “Twenty-Seven”
July 5th, My Phone’s Keyboard… (Twenty-Six)
How many letters is there in the alphabet???