A Word From our Sponser…

Well another year has passed, and I know a couple of you have been wondering about what my plans are for 2010.  Honestly this isn’t as easy of a question as it seems. As some of you know I have had a couple of rough years, what with being run over, having surgery, and now having to sell off a good portion of my camera gear to keep making ends meet,  and the fact that I can’t go out and do the photography I love, has kind of left me in the situation where I’m not really into the act of making photographs anymore.

I have decided that I will be doing a project this year, but it will be far different from my last ones.  This years project will be “WHATEVER“.  The rules are going to be simple, I will not be posting a subject during the week, since there won’t really be one, what I am going to do is on Sundays, post from one to however many photographs I have taken during the week, the only rule is that the photographs will have to be taken from that Monday till the week is over on Sunday.

Well I leave you with the old saying “Whatever doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger”  Which means I should be Super Man in about two weeks 🙂
