Is there anything quite like a nice, fresh, juicy watermelon???
Month: May 2012
May 20th, Madame Butterfly… (Colors)
I found the strangest creature upon my lawn…
My 4th Anniversary…
Well friends, its officially been four years. Four years ago today I got ran over x2. I should have a party.
May 13th, Kissed by a Rose… (Colors)
Because its Mothers Day, a photograph of one of my Grandmothers prized roses, and yes it is a yellow rose, but its been kissed by pink so its ok in my book! If you don’t like it please feel free to start your own blog and do as you like… 🙂
May 6th, Lobster Roll…(Colors)
It was tasty, so very tasty!!!
May’s Theme… (Colors)
Well its the month of May, and May is the month for mothers, so I reckon this months theme shall be… PINK