December 31st, The End and the Beginning… (Colors)

Behold the last photograph of the year, may I present you with Alphons Elric, half of the duo who make up the main characters in the anime series Full Metal Alchemist.  You will note the lighting is red and green.

Also this could mark the beginning of 2013’s blog project. I am happy to announce that for 2013 our project shall be known as…. “THOSE WONDERFUL TOYS!!!” 

Big O…

Well I didn’t think it would be fair to have Big Duo, and not show a few of Big O…

This first one is actually a cutting room floor photograph, I didn’t like the way the legs worked and he didn’t have the articulation to pose any better than this…

This was the final image, I think he came out rather nice…

And finally since you asked nice, here is the lighting setup, as you can see its very simple, you could replicate it at home with normal lights,