We all must face the sunset sometimes…
Month: April 2013
April 29th, The Brothers Elric… (Those Wonderful Toys)
He’s not heavy he’s my brother…
April 28th, Epic Battle on the Rogue Shadow… (Those Wonderful Toys)
I think everyone has a light AND a dark side!
April 27th, Japanese Dolls… (Those Wonderful Toys)
To be a well rounded person, you must explore other cultures!!!
April 26th, Fighting Sockmonkey… (Those Wonderful Toys)
All professions begin with training!
April 25th, The Green Goblin… (Those Wonderful Toys)
When a person is at odds with himself, he sets himself up for failure!!!
April 24th, The Apprentice… (Those Wonderful Toys)
Never mess with a man who has more weapons than you do…
April 23rd, The Amazing Spider-man… (Those Wonderful Toys)
Sometimes you just have to swing into action!!!
April 22nd, The Rogue Shadow… (Those Wonderful Toys)
Some days it pays to stay in the shadows.
April 21st, Gundam F 91… (Those Wonderful Toys)
Sometimes you need to venture out of your comfort zone!
April 20th, Jyakomaru… (Those Wonderful Toys)
Sometimes you just have to present what you know, instead of the facts. A true hero never makes things up when he doesn’t know what the straight story is!
April 19th, Lego Towtruck with Stagecoach… (Those Wonderful Toys)
There are times when its a wise idea to have AAA…
April 18th, The Lone Deapool… (Those Wonderful Toys)
Hell I make even white hats look good!!!
P.S. Logan sucks!!!
April 17th, Lego Stagecoach with Friends… (Those Wonderful Toys)
There is just nothing I could say that would make this more awesome…
April 16th, Lego Lone Ranger & Tonto… (Those Wonderful Toys)
People can achieve anything with the help of their friends!